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SPK – Slovak Plastics Cluster is an interest association of legal entities in the field of plastics industry and related industries. Within the Slovak Republic, it is a cluster of a supra-regional character and was established on the initiative of non-state entities operating in the plastics industry.

The associated companies are competitors, but at the same time they solve similar problems and share common resources. Thanks to cooperation, they can overcome many of their limitations and gain a competitive advantage.

Created: 23.03.2009

Registered office: Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra Office: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava Tel .: + 421-903 909 676 E-mail:,

PARTNERS AND COOPERATING ORGANIZATIONSPlastics Cluster Zlín (Czech Republic) TECOS Tool and Development Center (Slovenia) ISPA (Institut Supérieur de Plasturgie d´Alencon) (France) Montan Universität Leoben (Austria) Association for Purchasing and Materials Management – (Switzerland) State Institute of Vocational Training of Education – ŠIOV (Slovakia) City of Wolverhampton College -Polymer training and innovation center (Great Britain) Slovak Business Agency (SBA) (Slovakia) Slovak Agency for Investment and Trade Development – SARIO (Slovakia) Obtaining the international award (January 2013) of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative Bronze Label Certificate increased the international prestige of the Slovak Plastics Cluster. Currently, SPK is in the process of silver Label Certificate through SIEA and the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic.

Slovak plastics cluster and areas of its interestSupport for networking / clustering Human resources and training Raises awareness of professional issues and supports the exchange of experience (conferences and seminars). It also creates and maintains up-to-date databases of organizations dealing with research, testing, plastics and rubber processing, education, but also databases of organizations from related sectors. It informs its members and supporters about important events in the plastics and rubber processing sector, directly on a daily or weekly basis, but also in the form of the “PLASTER” Newsletter. Compiled, expands, and updates a catalog of organizations and processors in the field of plastics and rubber. It allows its members to access interesting databases within the EU and other countries, or directly supports networking. Increasing the capacity and skills of suppliers Coordinates joint purchases of energy and selected raw materials for its members.

It supports the quality and functionality of supply chains (for example through purchasing training). Strengthening external relations (exports) and development of new production projects It processes statistical data on the development of the plastics and rubber processing sector for its members. It seeks partners for cooperation on various types of projects, for example through the implementation of joint visits to exhibitions, joint stands at trade fairs, through presentations, business visits, which bring new opportunities for cooperation. Promoting labor market skills in the strategic part of the plastics processing sector He actively participates in the meetings of the Chemistry and Pharmacy Sector Council, to clarify and define the professions and qualifications needed for the plastics and rubber processing sector. It supports the organization of non-formal and informal vocational training at universities. It mediates cooperation between high school and university students and companies through various forms. It supports internships for students and university graduates in companies. It supports partnerships between groups of companies and educational institutions (schools), especially for the real development of Dual Education in the plastics and rubber processing sector. Increasing the link between research and business needs Supports joint projects through companies, universities, and research institutions.

Specific areas of SPK activities

Area of ​​human resources and education

Networking and export support

Support for applied research Projects SPK connects research organizations with practice with the aim of applied research. One of the interesting projects was the project of testing the suitability of processing laboratory-developed biodegradable material by injection molding technology and preparing the material for operational tests within the transfer of research results into practice. You can get more information about the project at

Support for cost reduction in SPK member companies launched a joint electricity purchase project. A project of joint purchase of selected materials / raw materials is currently underway. Presentation of statistical indicators strives to raise the awareness of member companies, as well as other companies in the rubber and plastics processing sector with currently published statistical data.